Thursday Doors: Gyeongbokgung Palace II

The following photos are my contribution to Thursday Doors, a door-lovers group hosted by Norm Frampton. Last week, my door post was about Gyeongbokgung Palace in Seoul, Korea.  As I had more photos than I felt comfortable including in one post, I thought I’d share more photos from inside the palace compound this week. I hope…


Lydia dreamed of performing on stage.  It took years of training and much sacrifice.  Now, she stands center-stage, wondering why she continues, until the graceful notes of the piano break the silence.  The silkiness of the violin wakes.  Embraced by the music, her body moves as the curtain lifts.  Amidst the rise and fall of…

Thursday Doors: Gyeongbokgung Palace

The following photos are my contribution to Thursday Doors, a door-lovers group hosted by Norm Frampton. ~~ It was a treat and a delight to be taken by my daughter on a four-day getaway to Seoul, Korea. We romped through local markets, toured historical sites, ate plentiful amounts of delicious food, got lost a time or two,…

Arrival Hall

Jody nervously waited in the Arrival Hall, watching the tearful reunions of others.  Those unguarded moments of pure joy when reuniting with loved ones. Would it be the same for her? He had been gone for years.  She understood.  His work was important and it stole him away to all parts of the world.  She…


A fire roars in the wood stove and the teapot whistles. Outside, twigs snap and dry leaves crumble under their approaching feet. They are close.  My boat waits on the river. I empty my cup of mint tea.  It was her favorite. “Goodbye, Hannah.” Tied at the wrist to the bedpost, she writhes against her restraints…

Thursday Doors: Amoy Street

These photos are my contribution to Thursday Doors, a door-lovers group hosted by Norm Frampton. ~~ The doors for today’s post are located on Amoy Street, an out of the way street in busy Wan Chai District which is located at the north shore of Hong Kong Island. This door opens into Kitchen Ruto serving yummy…

Noisy Neighbor

Climbing the steps to her neighbor’s second-floor front porch, Ethel breathed heavily. Thump, thump, thump, she dragged the axe behind her. Her hand shook as she turned the doorknob to Agnes’s flat and crossed the threshold. Ethel finally had her chance. She raised the axe and brought it down over and over. The more she…


In a secluded park, a man leaned heavily on his cane.  He tottered to a bench amidst a canopy of trees.  Lowering himself, he sat beside a woman wearing deep wrinkles and white hair. “Is it safe?” She looked toward the ground.  He asked the same question every year. “Not yet,” she answered. For a…