Thursday Doors: ‘Tis the Season

The following photos are my contribution to Thursday Doors, a door-lovers group hosted by Norm Frampton. ~~ I love Christmas!  So, in the spirit of the upcoming holiday, I thought I’d create a post featuring an ecclectric group of red and green doors.  The colors of the season. Some of them you might have seen, but…

Thursday Doors: Last Post from Montpellier, France

The following photos are my contribution to Thursday Doors, a door-lovers group hosted by Norm Frampton. ~~ This is the final week for me to post doors from Montpellier, France.  Though I only wandered around Montpellier for one day, I could have gotten lost in the side streets, botanical gardens, and among the interesting sights for…


Madelyn passed after a lifetime together and Alfred’s grief threatened to devour him. Josh’s father abandoned them.  He and his mother were forced to sell nearly everything, including his beloved piano, and move away from all he knew. Alfred sold the house and their belongings, but he couldn’t bear to part with Madelyn’s piano.  He…

Thursday Doors: Porte du Peyrou and beyond

The following photos are my contribution to Thursday Doors, a door-lovers group hosted by Norm Frampton. This week and next will be my final door posts from Montpellier, southern France. After my husband and son dragged me from the side street and alleyways (just kidding), we made our way to the Porte du Peyrou.  The arch…

Thursday Doors: More Side Streets in Montpellier

The following photos are my contribution to Thursday Doors, a door-lovers group hosted by Norm Frampton.  As is often the case, I am late to the party. It was another busy week with a bit of the flu mixed in. As promised, this week’s door post is another one from Montpellier, southern France.  The name of the…


Jars lined up along the sink.  Waiting their turn to be emptied and washed.  Cleaning out the refrigerator was the worst job. They recently wed and she moved into his bachelor pad.  The place was a wreck.  He told her not to touch the fridge.  He would take care of it when he had time.  But,…