Thursday Doors: 2022 Favorites

For this week’s Thursday Doors post, Dan Antion, the encouraging and faithful leader of this door-lovers group, has invited us to post our favorite doors from 2022. My favorites were discovered in Spain. The following are the runner-ups and then the winner. 😊 I hope you enjoy! The third runner-up is this beautiful building which…

Better to Give

Little Henry and his mother drove beneath the overpass where families lived in tents.  Looking out the window, Henry frowned. “What are you thinking?” his mother asked. “Why don’t those children have toys?” “I have an idea,” his mother said.  “We’ll wash your old toys and visit the children on Christmas day.  Remember, Henry, it’s…

Thursday Doors: Catania, Sicily, Italy

Here’s my contribution to Thursday Doors, a weekly door-lover’s group hosted by Dan Antion over at No Facilities.  ~~ For those of you who celebrate, I hope you enjoyed a wonderful Thanksgiving last week!  I meant to post, but the day got away from me.  This week, like my last door post, I’m featuring the ancient…

Do Over

Tanya startled awake to her phone ringing.   On the other end, Zoe said, “We need to talk.” Tanya shuddered but agreed. Yesterday, and five days prior, Zoe had called exactly at the same time.  “We need to talk.” They had met.  The remainder of those days had passed with blurry remembrances; a shadowy forest,…